Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 20, 2015

Hope everyone's week went well, and that you all had some form of fun. I've heard some news about a few hard things, and I just wanted to say to those individuals that my prayers and thoughts are with you.

I guess it's been a bit of a long week for everyone, myself included. Long story short, in the process of working with certain investigators I have felt some of the greatest joy, and sorrow, yet since coming out. These people are so amazing because they are children of our loving Heavenly Father, and we have the privilege of sharing that message of love with them. Sometimes, fear gets in the way of feeling the power of that message. And then other times, you find that one humble person who has been waiting to hear that good news their whole life and who is ready. The joy that comes from seeing the Spirit work on that person is beyond words. I am so grateful for the privilege and blessing of being able to experience a tiny portion of His love for them and to have my capacity to love grow more than it ever has before. What's even better is knowing that we can all feel that.

Sorry for being so brief, more to come next week.

Love you all,
Sister Patterson

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